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Animal Immune Technology Services

Tek Biotech has been committed to antibody drug discovery and preparation, is a team of antibody discovery experts with more than 10 years of project experience, and is able to provide high-quality animal immunization and antibody discovery services. Tek Biotech's antibody discovery services include immune antigen preparation, animal immunization, high-quality antibody sequence discovery, in vitro recombinant expression of antibodies, antibody scale-up, etc. Tek Biotech also provides a full traceability documentation system.

Currently, Tek Biotech has provided thousands of animal immunization services for domestic and foreign customers of different species, including alpaca immunization, camel immunization, cattle immunization, sheep immunization, rabbit immunization, rat immunization, etc. Tek Biotech provides high-quality immune serum preparation and PBMC cell isolation services with strictly enforced multi-point immunization and immunization time schedule.


Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of animal immune antibody serum preparation and PBMC isolation services

█ Animal Immunization Platform

Tek Biotech provides high quality immunization services for domestic and foreign customers, including serum preparation and PBMC isolation for alpaca, camelids, cattle, sheep, mice and other animals. After receiving the immunized antigen and passing the QC validation, Tek Biotech delivers the designed immunization schedule to the customer, including the blood collection plan, serum potency ELISA test plan, animal immunization dosage, and the blood collection and separation of PBMC plan, etc., such as the virus immunization cases shown in Table 1:

Table 1 Immunization schedule





Negative serum collection

Day 0

Pre-immunization serum collection 10mL


Primary immunization

Day 1

5ml pure virus intramuscular injection


Secondary immunization

Day 14

5ml pure virus intramuscular injection


Tertiary immunization

Day 28

5ml pure virus intramuscular injection


Triple immunization serum collection

Day 35

Collection of 2 ml of test serum for potency testing


Four times immunization

Day 42

5ml pure virus intramuscular injection


Tetraplex serum collection

Day 49

Collection of 2 ml of test serum for potency testing


Fifth immunization

Day 56

5ml pure virus intramuscular injection


Pentavalent serum collection

Day 63

Collection of 2 ml of test serum for potency testing


Neutralization potency test

Day 63

Simultaneous detection of serum neutralization potency of Tetraplex and Pentaplex sera


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Figure 2 Immunization flow chart for routine animal immunization

█ Quality Standards for Animal Immunization Platforms (QC Standards)


-- ELISA serum potency >10^5 against protein or virus antigens; ELISA serum potency >10^4 against peptide antigens (carrier protein coupled).

-- The number of immunizations should not be less than 5 times (5 times immunization program is set unless specifically requested by the customer).

-- Isolated PBMC cells can be lysed in either lyophilized or Trizol lysed form to ensure that the 28S, 18S and 5S primary bands are clear.

-- For serum purification program, IgG purity >90%.

Recommended Services



Animal Immune Technology Services Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: After receiving immunity, animals have weaker immune responses, insufficient antibody production, or poor immune efficacy.

    A: Consider increasing the immune dose, frequency, or duration, using appropriate immune adjuvants (such as Freund's adjuvant) to enhance the immune effect, and selecting more suitable immune animal strains.

  • Q: Animals exhibit non-specific reactions, leading to interference with experimental results.

    A: Choose purer antigens, prepare more diluted antigen solutions, control experimental conditions, and reduce the occurrence of non-specific reactions.

  • Q: Animals experience excessive immune responses during the immune process, leading to tissue damage or immune related diseases.

    A: Control the dosage and frequency of immunity to avoid excessive stimulation of the immune system; Choose appropriate immune animal strains and avoid susceptible animals.

  • Q: Animals exhibit immune suppression, leading to suppressed immune responses.

    A: Consider using immunostimulants (such as polyclonal antibodies) to relieve immunosuppression, or adjusting treatment plans to avoid the influence of immunosuppressive factors.

Consult Now Animal Immune Technology Services

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