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Yeast Single Hybrid Service

Tek Biotech is committed to providing high-quality yeast single hybridization services to our customers, providing strong support for downstream research and development, such as validation of known DNA-protein interactions, construction and screening of yeast single hybrid libraries, and discovery and validation of potential interacting proteins/new transcription factors based on the principles of yeast single hybridization. Tek Biotech has many years of project development experience and know-how in yeast monohybridization, and is able to provide customers with a variety of customized yeast monohybridization services, including, but not limited to, validation of DNA-protein interactions, construction of various types of yeast monohybridization cDNA libraries (including, but not limited to, cDNA libraries of various species of samples such as animal tissues, plant tissues, cells, etc.), and screening of target proteins/potential transcription factors. We offer a wide range of yeast monohybridization services.

Yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) is based on the principle that DNA sequences, such as cis-acting elements or promoters, interact with transcription factor TFs to activate the transcription of downstream genes through the activationdomain (AD) of GAL4, which is fused with the transcription factor or other proteins. The target gene DNA sequence (cis-activation element/promoter sequence) and the downstream reporter gene are constructed into the same vector, and the transcription factor TF or cDNA library protein and the AD protein gene are constructed into the same vector, and the two vectors are co-transfected into the same yeast strain, and if the target gene DNA sequence (cis-activation element/promoter sequence) interacts with the transcription factor TF or cDNA library protein, AD can activate the expression of the downstream gene. AD can activate the expression of downstream genes. Based on this principle, Teckbio has established a platform for verification of DNA-protein interactions based on yeast monohybridization (since this system is an in vivo verification of interactions, the spatial conformation of proteins that interact with DNA is closer to their natural conformation, and the results are more authentic and reliable), and a platform for construction and screening of yeast monohybridization cDNA libraries (which can identify many natural and potential interactions with proteins/transcription factors). The cDNA libraries constructed by Teckbio can have a library capacity of 10^6-10^7, and the library diversity and insertion rate can reach more than 90%, which can satisfy the quality requirements of various customers for yeast monohybrid libraries. At the same time, Tek Biotech can also provide one-stop technical services such as downstream gene synthesis and affinity assay validation for yeast single hybrid library construction and screening. Customers only need to provide specific DNA sequence information of target genes (cis-acting element/promoter sequences to be researched), the type of library to be constructed as well as sample information, and then Tek Biotech's scientists will be able to design and customize the solutions for the customers according to the customers' needs. Tek Biotech's scientists will be able to design and customize the library according to the customer's needs, which will be helpful for the customer's research projects and the discovery of target interacting proteins/new transcription factors.


█ Yeast Single Hybridization Service


Tek Biotech has established a complete yeast single hybridization system, which can provide various high-quality customized yeast single hybridization services, including but not limited to cDNA library construction and screening of various species samples, verification of known DNA-protein interactions, and verification and discovery of unknown interactions with proteins/transcription factors, etc., to satisfy the scientific research needs of different customers. The flow of yeast single hybridization library construction service is shown in Figure 1.

Yeast Single Hybrid Service-tekbiotech.jpg 

Figure 1 Yeast monohybrid library construction service flow


█ Content and Periodicity of Services



Service Content


Yeast Monohybrid Library Construction

1) Total RNA extraction;

2) High-fidelity RT-PCR for cDNA preparation;

3) Vector construction and transformation: vector construction (cDNA ligated yeast monohybrid vector: fusion AD) + electroshock transformation of yeast strains;

4) Positive clone picking by coating plate + PCR amplification of positive clone (running gel identification) + NGS sequencing of library;

5) Delivery: 1 tube of yeast library plasmid (>300ug), 3-5ml of yeast library glycerol bacteria, lab report

4-6 weeks

Yeast Monohybrid Library Screening

1) Autoreactivation validation;

2) Cotransformation of yeast strains with target gene DNA (cis-acting element or promoter) plasmids and library plasmids;

3) Yeast screening;

4) Sequencing + rotary verification of screening results;

5) Delivery: lab report, sequencing raw data.

7-9 weeks


█ Service Advantages


-- Multiple species options: fresh animal tissue samples, plant tissue samples, cellular samples, or total RNA (RNA non-degradation guaranteed) of various samples, etc.

-- Multiple yeast monohybrid libraries available: cDNA yeast monohybrid libraries constructed from a variety of samples.

-- Proven yeast monohybridization technology: yeast monohybrid libraries up to 10^6-10^7 with >90% insertion rate and diversity.

-- High standard of delivery: yeast monohybrid libraries are quality assured to support customers' downstream experiments.

-- Traceability of experimental records: library QC standards (library capacity, diversity, insertion rate), Chinese and English lab reports, original experimental records.

-- Provide a series of downstream experimental services, such as library screening, gene synthesis, target protein/potential transcription factor expression validation and affinity validation.

-- One-on-one customized solutions, according to customer needs to design the best construction and screening programs (such as: the choice of library construction methods (including but not limited to SMART technology, Gateway technology, etc.), vector construction design, library screening and self-activation validation program design, etc.), to meet the needs of all kinds of customers' scientific research projects.

-- One-stop service: one-stop technical service from program design, RNA extraction, cDNA preparation, vector construction, strain transformation and screening validation.

Recommended Services



Yeast Single Hybrid Service Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: The expression level of the target protein in yeast is low, resulting in weak detection signals or inability to detect interactions.

    A: Optimize expression vectors and conditions, such as selecting appropriate promoters, signal sequences, culture temperature, time, etc; Using expression adjuvants or enhancers to increase the expression level of target proteins; Consider using methods that promote protein stability, such as protein stabilization tags.

  • Q: Non specific interactions occur during the screening process, interfering with normal single hybridization results.

    A: Optimize screening conditions, such as adjusting the composition of the culture medium, adding antibiotics, or selecting appropriate screening markers, to reduce non-specific interactions; Conduct quality control experiments, such as negative and positive controls, to verify the specificity of the screening results.

  • Q: The hybridization results need further validation to confirm their accuracy and reliability.

    A: Conduct multiple validation experiments, such as repeat experiments, Western blot, co precipitation experiments, etc., to ensure the reproducibility and accuracy of hybridization results; Conduct functional validation experiments to verify the biological significance of interactions.

  • Q: There is non-specific hybridization in the constructed single hybrid library, which affects the accuracy of the screening results.

    A: Optimize the library construction process, including the selection of DNA fragments, optimization of hybridization conditions, etc., to reduce the occurrence of non-specific hybridization; Design appropriate control experiments to distinguish between specific hybridization and non-specific hybridization.

Consult Now Yeast Single Hybrid Service

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