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Peptide Library Screening Service

Tek Biotech is committed to providing customers with high-affinity small peptide pre-screening technology services, to provide strong support for the subsequent cellular validation of small peptides (e.g., validation of in vitro recognition and inhibition of small peptides, in vitro flow-blocking, etc.), in vivo validation of functions (e.g., in vivo validation of targeted inhibition of small peptides, validation of signaling pathway blocking, etc.), and downstream research and development work such as the development of small peptide drugs. Tek Biotech's peptide libraries provide strong support for downstream research and development.  We provide screening services for peptide libraries (including but not limited to linear 7 peptide library, linear 12 peptide library, linear 15 peptide library, cyclic 7 peptide library, etc.).

Peptide library screening service is based on phage display technology (Phagepro Tech®), which refers to the use of proteins, peptides, cells and other screening antigens as screening targets, and obtaining high-affinity target peptide sequences after three rounds of pressure screening. Tek Biotech has established a peptide library with a library capacity of up to 10^8 and a pre-screening titer of up to 10^13 phage-displayed peptide particles/ml, which is sufficient to support the screening of peptides for various types of targets and to meet the downstream experimental needs of customers. Based on the peptide library screening technology platform, Tek Biotech can screen peptides with affinity up to mM-μM level, and a variety of screening methods are available (including but not limited to solid-phase, magnetic bead, cellular and in vivo animal screening, etc.), and Tek Biotech's scientists will recommend the most suitable screening method for the client's screening targets and project needs, in order to obtain high-affinity peptides to meet the client's project needs. Tek Biotech will recommend the most suitable screening method for the client's target and project needs. Meanwhile, Tek Biotech can also provide a variety of downstream validation experiments, including but not limited to peptide affinity validation (including EC50 validation, BLI affinity validation and SPR affinity validation), flow blocking validation, etc. Customers only need to provide the screening target and project requirements, and Tek Biotech's scientists can provide one-on-one customized solutions to meet customer's needs, saving your valuable time.


█ Peptide Library Screening Service

Based on the characteristics of small molecular weight, low immunogenicity, low toxicity, high tissue permeability, and high stability of peptides, more and more researchers are inclined to screen targeted peptides with molecular weight smaller than nanobodies as new therapeutic molecules and excellent drug carriers. Peptide library screening is currently widely used in small molecule peptide drug discovery, peptide vaccine development, biomarker discovery, cell receptor targeted functional peptide screening, cancer targeted therapy, cell signaling pathway research, and other fields. It is a hot topic and first choice in targeted drug development research. In order to obtain more stable targeted peptides, peptide structure modification is also an urgent problem that needs to be solved, such as peptide cyclization, peptide modification, etc.

There are various antigen screening methods (protein, peptide, cell, etc.) and screening methods (solid-phase screening, magnetic bead screening, cell screening, animal in vivo screening, etc.) that Tek Biotech can provide. Different screening methods are also applicable to different screening antigens. For example, the molecular weight of peptides is small, and there are fewer antigen epitopes that can be recognized by targeted peptides. Therefore, magnetic bead screening is needed to increase the freedom of antigen screening, in order to obtain high affinity and high specificity targeted peptides to meet the needs of subsequent project development. Tek Biotech scientists will design the most suitable peptide library screening method based on the screening of antigens and downstream experiments of customers.

The screening process of solid-phase peptide library is shown in Figure 1:


Peptide Library Screening Service-Tekbiotech.jpg

Figure 1 Peptide library screening process


 Content and periodcity of services



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Step1:Peptide library screening

Blue and white spot screening:


1) 3 rounds of solid phase screening by default (liquid phase, solid-liquid phase, cellular screening)

2) Convenient blue and white spot screening system, pick single clone sequencing, no need for ELISA validation

3) Delivery: peptide sequence; screened peptide sequence information (gene information + amino acid sequence information + sequencing raw data) + project report

3-4 weeks

Step2:Peptide synthesis and affinity validation (optional)

1) Peptide Synthesis

2) EC50 validation/BLI affinity validation/SPR affinity validation

3) Delivery: Experiment report, raw data

3-4 weeks


█ Service Advantages


-- Multiple peptide libraries available: linear 7, linear 12, linear 15, cyclic 7, etc.

-- Multiple screening methods: solid phase, magnetic bead, cellular, in vivo screening, etc.

-- Various screening targets: protein, peptide, cell (various tumor cells, primary cells, etc.), etc.

-- Library capacity up to 10^8, initial screening titer up to 10^13 phage/ml, sufficient to screen high-affinity peptides for customer's target.

-- Mature technology platform: the affinity of peptides obtained by screening is generally in the mM-μM level.

-- Supporting downstream validation experiments: affinity validation (including EC50, BLI and SPR affinity validation), flow-blocking validation and so on.

-- Traceability of experimental records: Chinese and English lab reports, original lab records

-- One-on-one customized solutions to meet the needs of various customers' research projects.

-- Peptide library synthesis and screening costs are relatively low compared to traditional compound library screening, making this method more attractive in terms of economic benefits.

-- Efficient and fast: the fastest screening can be completed in about 3-4 weeks, which saves customers' time and cost.

Recommended Services



Peptide Library Screening Service Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: The screened peptides may have cross reactivity with non target antigens and insufficient specificity.

    A: Strengthen the specific screening steps by using stricter antigen binding and screening conditions, such as reducing the affinity threshold of non-specific binding agents and increasing the washing step of screening.

  • Q: The affinity between the screened peptides and the target antigen is low, which affects their application value.

    A: Optimize screening conditions, such as increasing the number of screening cycles, increasing antigen concentration, optimizing washing steps, etc., to enhance the binding affinity between peptides and antigens.

  • Q: The number of peptides obtained from screening is relatively small, and the screening efficiency is not high.

    A: Optimize the library construction and screening scheme, increase the diversity and capacity of the library, optimize screening conditions, such as increasing the number of screening cycles and improving screening sensitivity, in order to improve screening efficiency.

  • Q: The limited variety of peptides covered in the peptide library cannot meet the screening requirements.

    A: Increase the diversity of the library, including expanding the library size, adding peptide sequences from different sources, optimizing library construction methods, etc., to improve the diversity and coverage of the library.

Consult Now Peptide Library Screening Service

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